
Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Google Blogger

Google Blogger is a simple blogging program that is run by Google. It's a very simple program to use and it is being used right now. Looks very similar to Google Drive that allows for writing to be published. Blogs can be published for people to see and comment on as well. It's a very simple program and easy to run with different types of themes and designs that allows for customization but also have the simplicity so that man people can create a blog with ease.

How can Blogger be used in Classrooms?

This can be the ultimate way for teachers to flat their classrooms. Since it is a blogging program teachers can create different pages for different class assignments.

Teachers can also use this to introduce new materials that can be viewed by the students at home. New materials that are in video link that can be uploaded on the blog. New materials that are pictures. Lastly, reading materials via articles or stories can be linked to blogger as well. So to flat the classroom teachers can use blogger and since it is a public website each student will not have a hard time gaining access to the materials.

Lastly, teachers can also have discussion on certain topics assigned as homework. The blogger allows for comments and replies from users. So teachers can post new materials and have students post replies and have discussions on a certain subject. Moreover, access can be granted so that certain users can post their own blogs which allows for true interactive lessons for the students.

Google Calendar

Google Calendar

Google Calendar allows you to create calendar events and reminders. In these events you can also invite other people. Moreover Google Calendar is very compatible with Microsoft Outlook and Apple's iCal. All three of these calendar programs can be synced and used seamlessly. Creating calendar events and reminders is very simple. But what is very easy about Google Calendar is that events can be color coordinated so that different types of events are in different colors. So US Holidays will be set as different color and personal things will be another color. Lastly, most smartphones will allow you to sync your phone's embedded calendar programs with Google Calendar.

How can Google Calendars be used in Classrooms?

1. Means of communications between teachers and students

  • Teachers can use Google Calendar to set due dates for projects, writing assignments and even test dates. This way when there needs to be change the teacher would update it once and it will be viewed by all the students. Moreover, the best feature is that teachers can set alerts and reminders for tests and projects. Most students are procrastinators and they will wait till the last minute to really work on their projects or writing assignments. So the reminder will give students time to work on the project. Lastly, for tests it gives a good reminder to students to study and prepare for the test.

2. Means of communication between teachers and other teachers or faculty

  • Teachers and fellow teachers can use Google Calendar to communicate with one another. Also the school staff can communicate with teachers using Google Calendar. Field trips, off days, meetings, schedule changes and other things can be communicated with teachers. It makes it a very easy to communicate and again it's very easy to make updates and set reminders to all the teachers. 

Google Drive

Google Drive

Google drive was once Google Docs, but now it's Google Drive. Users get 5gb of free space to upload documents, pictures, spreadsheets and other things to store on the "drive" and gain access to them anywhere. It's a virtual harddrive that is online. There are applications that can be downloaded for most smartphones and Windows or Mac Operating System allows you to sync your folders and contents with Google Drive seamlessly. The basic Google Drive Page looks like this:

User can create documents, spreadsheet, presentations, forms and drawing.
All the different type of files are very easy to use and they are similar to that of Microsoft Office or iWorks software.

How can Google Drive be used in Classrooms?
1. Classroom materials and ideas can be shared among teachers and staff members

  • Since Google Drive allows users to share specific folders to specific people this gives a very good opportunity for teachers to share information with one another easily.  Documents for worksheets, spreadsheets, presentations can all be shared with one another. So each teacher can have their own copy, make changes and edit the files so that they can use it to fit their own classrooms

2. Teachers do not need to make copies for worksheets or homework assignments

  • Students can get access to these files. The privilege for documents can be restricted to "view only". This allows for teachers to hand our assignments, homework, lectures and other materials without having to make physical copies of them. Moreover, the teacher does not need to worry about clarity of copies or materials since pictures and documents are all digital based. 

3. Homework and assignments can be turned in to teacher using Google Drive
  • Student can now turn in their reports, writing assignments, presentations and other things onto Google Drive. This will make it convenient for students to turn in their assignments and also the fact that there is a copy of their homework on the "cloud" allows them to not worry about losing their files. Lastly, teachers will not hear the excuse of leaving homework assignments at home. 

Note: For other ways to use Google Drive in Classrooms


There is an assignment for a class that I'm taking called "Advanced Study Education Technology in the Classroom". This assignment requires me to make a "How to" for other teachers. Moreover, the other requirements is that I use a "Google" product and use the tools provided to connect and allow this information to be available for other people. So with that in mind I will be using Google Blogger to posts these instructions and review the following items and how they can be used inside a classroom.


One of the greatest thing that Google offers with these tools is that once you sign up for a google account, all these different tools are available for use. It makes it very easy to integrate many of the tools together and be use collectively and collaboratively. Lastly, the fact that you are not saving these things on your personal computer, laptop, tablet or phone makes it easy to gain access to them whenever and wherever you may be.